How to win the battle over depression and suicidal thoughts


The feeling of depression is one of the worst feelings a human being can feel. You can take this from someone who has experienced depression countless times. A depressed person doesn't see need to hope about the future; infact, the future is entirely gloomy.

Suicidal thoughts goes hand in hand with depression on many occasions. You mostly feel suicidal when you are depressed. I know on many occasions how I had felt suicidal and wish I was a dead man. In fact, I pray for God to take my soul. It's that bad!

But in all this, it's pivotal to inform you that it's the devil ministering lies to you. That future you think is hopeless is infact colourful when you eventually get to it after winning the battle over depression and suicidal thoughts.

Without further ado, I will like to introduce strategies to win the battle or war over depression and suicidal thoughts.

1) Read your bible Everytime you feel depressed 

This is one strategy that has worked for me and I highly recommend to anyone that is depressed and suicidal. There is life in the scriptures. The scriptures administers hope. You can't soak yourself with scriptures and still feel depressed. It's virtually impossible. The more you digest the word of God the more hope and life comes to your spirit.

2) Study materials especially books that deals with depression 

This strategy also works like reading God's word. When you read books that highlights ways to win the battle over depression and suicidal thoughts you will eventually recover from the oppression of Satan called depression.

I would highly recommend Joyce Meyers' book titled 'Battlefield of the mind'. This book alongside the scriptures helped me a great deal overcome permanently the torment of depression and suicidal thoughts.

3) Pray fervently 

It's often said that 'a closed mouth is a closed destiny'. I think I agree. Satan is mostly defeated with words. When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the scriptures, He defeated Satan by the words of the scriptures. So I highly recommend praying the scriptures fervently when depressed. Don't keep quiet. The more you stay quiet the more Satan retains his hold on you.

Cry to God who answers the the oppressed and He will eventually come through for you.

4) Think the right thoughts

To be sincere, it's very difficult to bring yourself to thinking the right thoughts when you are depressed and suicidal. But after soaking yourself in scriptures and edifying books, you will gradually see your thoughts changing from being negative to being positive. 

5) Try your best to make someone happy 

Once you are depressed and you can get yourself to making someone else happy either by giving or by simply making someone laugh, you will discover your mood starts to change. The bible says, 'it is more blessed to give than to receive '. That means as you try to put a smile on someone else's face, it will automatically robs off on you too. Try this method and watch how it works like magic.

I have more strategies to win the battle over depression and suicidal thoughts but I will stop at these five strategies.

I hope this has blessed someone. Please if you are blessed by this piece, kindly share to someone else you know suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts.

God bless you!
