Life is Good


After God created everything on earth He said everything is good. But there comes Mr Devil whom the bible did not only say came to steal, but to kill and destroy.

I am writing this article because of what I have experienced in life since I was born. I have experienced a happy life as well as a depressed life. But I can tell you there is no feeling in life that beats being happy.  The bible encourages us to rejoice always no matter the circumstance. But I can guarantee you, it's not easy to be happy in a bad or difficult situation.

Life will bully you but if you are not steadfast in the LORD, you will succumb easily. You think those who commit suicide really wanted to do so? Of course not! But they were left with no other option but to end their own life.

I have in many situations wished for death. In fact, I had wished I wasn't born. All due to the devil's oppression. The devil will make you see life as something evil and difficult to go through.

If you haven't experienced depression before I congratulate you but if you have or you are currently depressed I bring you a word of comfort that things will eventually change for the better. Just hang on there!

"Weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning."  (Psalm 30:5) This is God's word to everyone going through one storm or the other. Cheer up! Because joy always comes in the morning. 

I have written an article on how depression have dealt with me but this article is to give hope to those currently going one storm or the other. If I can survive it, you also can survive it.

'Life is Good' may sound strange to someone currently passing through depression but I can guarantee you, life is truly good. I was perplexed one day when my colleague at work said 'Life is good'! That time I was really depressed. So I thought to myself, what is really good about life? But now that I am no longer depressed I understand the goodness of life.

My brothers and my sisters, please hang on there if you are currently depressed and about to end your life. I can guarantee you that you will surely overcome your present circumstance if you do not give up. The scripture says, "come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." This scripture is for the oppressed and depressed. 


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