Memorise: Are they not all
ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of
salvation? Hebrews 1:14
Read; Acts 27:20-25.
When God sends help from Heaven to an individual, He could send an
angelic being to rescue the fellow. Often times, such an angel takes up a familiar
form while executing the assignment. When this happens, the recipient of that
assistance may not recognise the angel for who he is. For instance, many years
ago, it was time to build a particular church. Announcements were made for
members to gather together on a particular date and volunteer themselves to
take part in the work. On the set day, as they gathered in the morning, they
prayed to God before commencing the work, asking for strength not to be tired,
and that God should send His angels to join them in the work. After the work
started, they observed three unknown faces that had joined them in doing the
work. Although they noticed that these men did most of the work, none of them
dared to ask them who they were. At the end of that day’s work, when they were
trying to take stock of the day’s activities, they wanted to appreciate
everyone, particularly those three unknown people, but they realised that they
had disappeared.
Similarly, when I was about six or seven years old, one of my elder
sisters got married and went to live with her husband. One day, we met and I
asked her where her farm was. “Not very far” she said, as she tried to describe
it to me. At that age, I could not determine the meaning of “not very far”, so
I set out to locate it on a particular day. At a point, I did not know where I
was, how to get to her farm or how to get back home. I realised I was lost! In
my own little childish way, I looked up to heaven for God’s help. By the time I
looked down, I saw a little dog which showed a very friendly disposition
towards me and was sort of beckoning to me to follow it. So I followed the dog
until I got to my sister’s farm. On seeing me, my sister asked, “How did you
get here? Who brought you?” “I followed that dog”, I replied. “Which dog?” She
asked. “That little white dog”. Then she said, “There is no dog on this farm.”
When we went outside their hut, there was no dog anywhere. God sent His angel
to rescue me and the angel took the shape of a dog to accomplish the mission.
The Lord will go before you. He will send His angel to lead you on the path to
your destiny. May He open your eyes to see the angels He sends your way in
Jesus’ Name.
Action Point
Whether you see them or not, as long as you are saved, holy and obedient to God, always remember that an angel is around you.
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