Someone has said, and I totally agree with him, that "you are not a failure until you look for who to blame for it". We can attain what we want to do for the family, church, community and nation if we are personally prosperous and successful. I believe that individual and developing nations have no one to blame for their state of affairs and state of life. Especially as Africans, in my opinion, we are not backward because we are black; I believe we are backward largely because we are blind. Many of us as Africans are loaded with unlimited opportunity and resources yet multitude in this same blessed continent still live far below the poverty line. As mush as am concern about other Africans, my major concern is the state of life of so many Christians that are suppose to be the light of the word; the epitome of prosperity and success in this side of eternity. We must do something swiftly to remove our self from the Web of hardship, lack and want, mediocrity and poverty. Enough of the Christian being at the mercy of un believers, especially the wicked ones. Enough of Christian not being able to eat what is desirable but what is available. Enough of Christian being rated as second class citizens contrary to the provision of the scriptures (Eph1:3, 3 John 1, psalm 35:37). One of the way to fight poverty lack and want and voiceless ness in Christian dom is to hammer, teach on the gospel of personal prosperity and success. I believe it's high time we come out of our deplorable state and positively change our identity by first improving our lot as individuals. It is a developed people that result in a developed nation. It is a prosperous and successful people that accumulate to a prosperous and buoyant church. That is, getting to know what to do, going ahead to do it and thereby moving ahead. It is time to take our destiny In our hands and make the most of it. To be Continued...

Someone has said, and I totally agree with him, that "you are not a failure until you look for who to blame for it". We can attain what we want to do for the family, church, community and nation if we are personally prosperous and successful. I believe that individual and developing nations have no one to blame for their state of affairs and state of life. Especially as Africans, in my opinion, we are not backward because we are black; I believe we are backward largely because we are blind. Many of us as Africans are loaded with unlimited opportunity and resources yet multitude in this same blessed continent still live far below the poverty line. As mush as am concern about other Africans, my major concern is the state of life of so many Christians that are suppose to be the light of the word; the epitome of prosperity and success in this side of eternity. We must do something swiftly to remove our self from the Web of hardship, lack and want, mediocrity and poverty. Enough of the Christian being at the mercy of un believers, especially the wicked ones. Enough of Christian not being able to eat what is desirable but what is available. Enough of Christian being rated as second class citizens contrary to the provision of the scriptures (Eph1:3, 3 John 1, psalm 35:37). One of the way to fight poverty lack and want and voiceless ness in Christian dom is to hammer, teach on the gospel of personal prosperity and success. I believe it's high time we come out of our deplorable state and positively change our identity by first improving our lot as individuals. It is a developed people that result in a developed nation. It is a prosperous and successful people that accumulate to a prosperous and buoyant church. That is, getting to know what to do, going ahead to do it and thereby moving ahead. It is time to take our destiny In our hands and make the most of it. To be Continued...
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