Political Corner : The Train is moving by Godwin Itopa


The change we seek is right inside of us, the change is constant,you don't need to run from one place to another to seek the change. PDP or no PDP,we are glad that over the years the party has gradually,spontaneously,radically and otherwise had to eliminate those Old warhorse rocking its boat of self believe,transparency,vision and modus-operandi. If u take a look at the structure of the party,She has moved on from the loss of Power to re branding a more meaningful youth-minded affairs and She despite all the controversies and betrayal in time past,will bounce back to see to her modus-Operandi. We have been lied to,betrayed and even slapped by our very own FATHERS,fair to say we have lost hope in them and this is the SOLE reason why the youth want to Stand up to the challenges of governance. Our very Candidate-BANJO AMOTO MOSES is a man of reputable,energetic,charismatic,vision-per excellence,ever rugged,ever dogged personality,He has promised that if voted intopower will operate an Open governance system via the social network platform and will equally extend that gesture to those who have not being opportune to social network #OPENKGST-G. Courtesy: Godwin Itopa. (Socio-Economist, public analyst). He is the publicity secretary and media spokes man for AMOTO 2016 governorship campaign.
